Ways to Lower Your Electrical Bill

Ways to Lower Your Electrical Bill

First published: 20 March 2022 @ 6:00 pm

You should be in the position to lower your electrical bill and make it go down.

It is estimated that the average household spends $2,000 each year on energy bills.

Conduct a review of your energy bill and ask the electric company to do one for you. If there is no program like that in your area, do your own energy audit instead.

You should have found a few of these easy-to-miss energy wasters when you did your energy audit.

But if not, there are many ways you can do that. Most of the top tips will take you only a few minutes. So you can start cutting your energy bill today.

Read on to find out!

Switched-on lamps that represent high electrical bill.
Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels

#1: Switch over to fluorescent light bulbs

When choosing light bulbs for your home, choose those that use low wattage for best results with regards to energy savings and reduced costs.

It’s best if you use only CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs) because they are more efficient than incandescent light bulbs in terms of saving energy and producing less heat.

If you’re worried about the light bulb not fitting into your lamp, then you can get special adapters for this. The best bulbs are ones that have a lifespan of 10,000 hours or more.

#2: Replace old fluorescent light bulbs with CFLs

Replacing old bulbs with CFLs will help save you money on your electrical bill each month.

Also, make sure that you replace them all at once because the more CFLs you have in use, the better it is for energy efficiency and cost savings.

Another thing to consider is making sure that you purchase energy-efficient CFLs. They are made to last longer than regular incandescent light bulbs and they consume much less energy than other types of lighting.

They also produce less heat and make less noise than regular incandescent lights as well. It’s best to use CFLs only when they are being used because this will save a lot of money on energy costs over time.

#3: Get an efficient power strip

Another thing that can help lower your monthly bill is to get an efficient power strip. It’s important to get one that has at least 12 outlets, so you can plug in all of your electronic devices and appliances.

These strips are also very useful because they can help save energy by using surge protection and they also have a number of other benefits as well.

#4: Install a dimmer switch on your lights

You should also consider installing a dimmer switch on the lights in your home. This means you can control the brightness of them when you want them to be dim or bright.

You should do this even if you are not planning on changing the bulbs. It will save money by making it easier for you to adjust the lighting at night.

#5: Check out online reviews for air conditioners and heaters

Another thing that can help lower your monthly bill is to check out online reviews for air conditioners and heaters before purchasing one. This will help ensure that you get a product that is energy efficient and of good quality.

You can also get estimates from various websites about how much it will cost to run your air conditioner or heater.

You should also consider how many rooms you need to cool or heat and how many rooms you need to cool in order to make sure that you get the right amount of energy savings.

#6: Think about switching over to an energy-efficient furnace and water heater

It’s also a good idea to think about switching over to an energy-efficient furnace and water heater. You can get these types of products at most home improvement stores and they are very efficient as well.

Make sure that the furnace has a high BTU rating and that it is the right size for your home. You can also have it professionally installed by a certified technician. This will help ensure that it is installed correctly and properly installed.

It’s also important to use a certified professional if you want any heating or cooling problems fixed on time, especially if they are out of warranty.

Tips on lowering electrical bill.
Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

#7: Get insulation in your attic

You should also think about getting insulation in your attic. It can help reduce the heat in your home when it gets really hot outside during the summer months.

It’s best if you choose spray foam insulation because this type is more effective than other types of insulation.

It’s also best to get the insulation installed professionally because this will help ensure that it is installed correctly and that it lasts for a long time.

#8: Change out your filter every year or so

You should also change out your filter every year or so. This makes sure that it is functioning properly and it is not letting any dust or dirt into your home.

It’s best if you do this when you have an extended vacation. This will help save money by reducing the amount of air that goes through the filter when you are gone.

You should also get an air cleaner installed if you have pets at home. It’ll help reduce the number of allergens in your home as well.

#9: Purchase energy-efficient appliances

Another thing that can help lower your monthly bill is to purchase energy-efficient appliances for your home.

You should purchase a dishwasher, refrigerator, clothes washer, clothes dryer, and other types of appliances with high energy efficiency ratings from companies like Energy Star.

According to the California Energy Commission, the average person who uses a dishwasher that is Energy Star-qualified can save an average of 5,000 gallons of water and $40 in utility costs each year. That is not to mention the 230 hours of your time.

These appliances can be found at most home improvement stores and they are very affordable as well.

This will save you money on utility bills over time and make it easier for you to reduce your energy consumption as well.

#10: Keep the temperature in your home low during the winter months

It’s also a good idea to keep the temperature in your home low during the winter months. This will help save money on heating costs because you will not have to heat up your home as much when it gets really cold outside.

You should also make sure that you use electric space heaters and fireplaces instead of natural gas heaters or wood-burning stoves. Turn off all of your lights and electrical appliances when you leave your home so that they do not run when you are gone.

They should also stay turned off when you go to bed at night as well so that they do not use electricity overnight.

#11: Consider using a power-saving thermostat for more energy savings

You should also consider using a power-saving thermostat for more energy savings.

This will help ensure that you can adjust the temperature in your home without wasting any energy. You’ll prevent having it fluctuate too much throughout the day or night.

The best thermostats are those that have an auto setting and a manual setting. This allows them to be adjusted without wasting any energy.

You should also make sure that you keep your thermostat at a consistent temperature throughout the year. That way, you can save money on heating costs and save more energy overall.

If they are not sealed properly, they will become big energy drains and money wasters.

#12: Switch over to an energy-efficient furnace and water heater

You should also switch over to an energy-efficient furnace and water heater if you have any children at home. This will help ensure that they are using less energy when they are using these appliances.

You should also use a humidifier to make sure that your home is not too dry during the winter months as well.

You should also install a dehumidifier in your home if you notice that it is too humid inside of it because this will help reduce the amount of mold in your home as well.


There are many ways to lower your electrical bill. Some of them can be done immediately, while others can be done in the future as well.

There are many benefits to reducing your electrical bill. They can lower monthly electrical bill, reduce carbon footprint, increase savings on utilities, and reduce the risk of natural disasters.

Some of these things may seem difficult or time-consuming at first. But they will become easier once you have taken some time to consider them.

Once you have taken the time to consider these things, you will find that it is much easier to lower your electrical bill and make it go down.

HandyWork is a huge database of home service providers. You can also read about more home maintenance tips on our blog, HandyWork. Check them out here!

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