
All you need to know about engaging a lawyer in Singapore

First published: 31 December 2020 @ 11:24 am


What are the type of payment arrangements for lawyers in Singapore?

Lawyers in Singapore are paid in one of these four ways:

a. Fixed fee

b. Hourly rate

c. Retainer fee d. Contingency fee

What are the fixed fees in Singapore?

In Singapore, a fixed fee is a fee that is agreed upon when you approached your lawyer and agreed to handle the case. This fee is set and agreed upon before you start working on the case.

What are the hourly rates in Singapore?

In Singapore, an hourly rate is the fee that is charged for every hour your lawyer works on your case. Usually, the hourly rate is between $100 and $400 per hour.

What is retainer fee?

In Singapore, a retainer fee is a fee that you pay to your lawyer to reserve his/her time. This fee is usually paid at the outset of the case.

What is contingency fee? In Singapore, a contingency fee is a fee that your lawyer will charge you if you win the case. If you lose the case, you do not need to pay the fee.

What is the difference between a fixed fee, hourly rate, retainer fee and contingency fee?

In Singapore, the difference between these four ways of paying your lawyer is as follows:

a. Fixed fee: this fee is paid when you start working on the case. However, the amount you will be charged depends on the outcome of the case. If you lose the case, you do not need to pay the fee.

b. Hourly rate: this fee is paid each hour your lawyer works on your case. This means that if your case goes on for a long period of time, the fees will be high. In contrast, if your case is resolved quickly, your fees will be low.

c. Retainer fee: this fee is paid at the outset of the case. This means that you will be charged this fee regardless of whether your case is resolved quickly or not.

d. Contingency fee: this fee is paid if you win your case. If you lose the case, you do not need to pay the fee.

What are the types of litigation in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are two main types of litigation:

a. Personal injury case

b. Intellectual property case

What is personal injury case?

In Singapore, a personal injury is any injury that happens to you as a result of another person’s carelessness.

What is intellectual property case?

In Singapore, a intellectual property is the rights that you have over any products, brands or creations that you have invented.

What types of personal injury cases are there in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are two types of personal injury cases:

a. Negligence case

b. Product liability case

What is negligence case?

In Singapore, a negligence case is a case where you have suffered injury because of another person’s carelessness.

What is product liability case?

In Singapore, a product liability case is a case where you have suffered injury because of a faulty product.

What are the main steps in a personal injury case?

In a personal injury case, there are the following seven steps:

a. You suffer injury

b. You report the incident to the police

c. You write a police report

d. You apply for compensation

e. You seek legal advice

f. You file the case

g. You get compensated

What are the main steps in an intellectual property case?

In an intellectual property case, there are the following five steps:

a. You create a product

b. You register your product

c. You publicize your product

d. You sell your product

e. You sue someone for copying your product

What is a personal injury case in Singapore?

In Singapore, a personal injury case is any injury that happens to you as a result of another person’s carelessness.

What is the first thing you should do after getting injured?

In Singapore, the first thing you should do is to report the incident to the police and write a police report.

What is the second thing you should do after getting injured?

In Singapore, the second thing you should do is to apply for compensation.

What is a police report in Singapore?

In Singapore, a police report is any report that you write to the police after getting injured.

What is compensation?

In Singapore, compensation is money that you are paid by another person for getting injured as a result of his/her carelessness.

What is compensation for pain and suffering?

In Singapore, compensation for pain and suffering is money that you are paid for the trauma you suffered as a result of the injury.

What is compensation for loss of earnings?

In Singapore, compensation for loss of earnings is money that you are paid for the money that you lost because you could not work after getting injured.

What is compensation for loss of amenities?

In Singapore, compensation for loss of amenities is money that you are paid for the money that you lost because you could no longer enjoy the things you used to enjoy.

What is compensation for medical expenses?

In Singapore, compensation for medical expenses is money that you are paid for the money that you spent on medical treatment after getting injured.

How long do you have to wait after getting injured before you apply for compensation?

In Singapore, you have to wait at least three days after getting injured before you apply for compensation.

What should you do if you do not have a lawyer to help you handle your case?

In Singapore, you should try approaching the local Legal Aid Bureau to see if you qualify for their services.

What is the Legal Aid Bureau in Singapore?

In Singapore, the Legal Aid Bureau is a government organization that provides free legal help to those in need.

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