Personal organizer

What to Expect When Hiring a Personal Organiser in 2021?

What to expect when hiring a personal organiser

A personal organizer can work with you on a day-to-day basis, or provide support at certain periods in your life, such as following the birth of a baby.

They can help you to:

  • reduce clutter and unnecessary possessions
  • help you to focus on what’s important and minimize distractions and procrastination
  • save money by not buying things that you don’t need
  • get control over your time by prioritizing tasks that are urgent or important, or focusing on those that give you a sense of satisfaction or achievement
  • cut down on household chores and improve your living environment
  • organize yourself better for the future by maintaining records such as contact details (including email addresses)
  • organizing memorabilia produced over a lifetime for safekeeping
  • make more productive use of your time

Although not all personal organisers are trained for this, they can support you with basic IT skills, such as using a computer or the Internet.

Some personal organisers may help you to:

  • keep your house clean and tidy; tackle paperwork issues such as sorting out your bills and tax affairs;
  • write household lists to make sure nothing gets forgotten;
  • organize finances better.
What to Expect When Hiring a Personal Organiser in 2021?
Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash.

Is Personal Organizer Expensive?

Personal organisers will usually confer with you before they start their work in order to determine exactly what help you want. The time spent working with you can vary from one hour per month to much more intensive involvement, perhaps weekly for several months or more.

The main point is that they tailor their services to meet your specific needs.

In the majority of cases, they will be self-employed or employed by others – who may be individuals or organisations – and charging a fee for their services.

Personal organisers often charge on a scale based on time spent on each client’s work (i.e., hourly rates). Alternatively, they may charge according to the number of problems tackled (for example 30/40/50% of sum saved).

They also typically charge a flat fee for preparing an initial work plan (which may be per family household or each individual in the household).

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