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Your Bed Position is affecting your Fengshui

First published: 15 January 2021 @ 3:12 pm

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Fengshui on why your bed can’t face the door

If you sleep with your head pointing towards the door, you’ll be at the mercy of all the negative energy coming in. Not only that, your chi is blocked and you’ll get sick easily.

Fengshui on why your bed can’t face the window

The same goes for sleeping with your head facing the window. The energy from the sun will block your chi and cause you to get sick easily.

And again, don’t sleep where the headboard points towards the door or window because that’s a sure fire way to prevent you from getting married and having children.

Fengshui on why your bed can’t be against a wall or in the corner of any room

This isn’t really about health, it’s more about safety. If you sleep against a wall or in the corner of any room, you’ll suffocate if there is a fire or gas leak.

So if you do have to sleep like this, make sure there are windows nearby so that you can escape quickly if there is an emergency.

Fengshui on why you shouldn’t have your head pointing towards the door or window when you sleep

This is the same reasoning as above. The energy from those directions will block your chi and make you sick. It’s best to sleep with your head at an angle, so that if you do have to face either direction, the harmful energy will be blocked by your body.

I’m not sure what happens if you sleep with your feet towards the door or window but it probably won’t be good.

Fengshui on why a bed should only be in the middle of a room

This one isn’t really about health, it’s more about safety again. If there are no windows nearby, then there’s a higher likelihood that if there is a fire or gas leak, you won’t get out in time.

This is especially true for single bedroom apartments where there aren’t any other exits for you to escape through. So place the bed near a wall close to a door or window and make sure there are no curtains around it so that you can see what’s happening outside at all times.

Another reason to keep it in the middle of a room is because centering everything creates balance and harmony which leads to good health.

Fengshui on why your bedroom shouldn’t have an island bed or canopy bed

An island bed or canopy bed is a solitary bed in the middle of the room with nothing around it, so this is similar to the point I made above about keeping beds near walls.

It doesn’t have anything to do with health, but more about safety. What if there’s a fire? Can you make it out of your room in time? Are there windows or doors nearby where you can escape through? You should always try and make sure that if there is a fire, you’ll be able to escape quickly and safely.

It’s better to sleep on the floor than to sleep on a bed

This is a common belief in Japanese culture, but it follows the same principle as the fengshui rule of not having multiple doors. The reason why you should sleep on the floor instead of a bed is that you want demons to enter your house through your feet and not through any other areas.

By sleeping on the floor, they will have to go through your legs first before entering your body and that’s how they’ll enter your home (as opposed to walking in from a door).

You shouldn’t have a mirror facing your bed

This is a superstition that’s present in many cultures around the world. The idea behind it is that if you have a mirror facing your bed, then demons (ghosts) will see their reflection and come to haunt you while you’re in bed.

They’ll enter your body through your feet and end up stealing your soul! So if you want to protect yourself from the demons, make sure that there are no mirrors facing your bed.

Fengshui on why your bedroom shouldn’t have more than one door

In fengshui, having multiple doors means that demons (ghosts) will enter your house more easily through those doors.

So if you only have one door and want another entrance or exit, make sure that there are no windows nearby for them to come in through!

This also applies for balconies and stairs inside the house as well. The safety rule applies here too – if you have no other entrances/exits besides the balcony or stairs, then they must not face each other because then they become a perfect route for demons to enter the house.

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